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S.C., United States
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. (Robert Frost 1915)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Video Presentation on Best Practices in Discussion Forum

While I was crafting this video, I came across many challenges. One that readily comes to mind is media compatibility issues that kept rearing “its ugly head” as I got closer to completing my video. However, I overcame adversity and have learned that Blackboard Collaborate webinar and Camtasia Studio 7.0 version do not play well together i.e. video becomes distorted, image quality poor, and it times out quickly thus giving a false illusion that you completed your production.  A midst these two challenges, one media rise to the challenge and enabled me to complete my video. I give many thanks to iMovie Apple media production for working well with my Flip video recording and allowed me the sweet reward of “completing”.  I do apologize for it being a day late; however, I learned a great deal out of this so call “5 minute video” project for my course i.e. EDUC 8842 Principles in Distance Education under Dr. Amar Almasude’s guidance and patience.

These are the links to two video production. Part 1 is research materials I compiled and render through various media tools but to no avail until I discover iMovie from Apple.  Part 2 is feedback from video recording on my Flip camera that I compiled and made several attempts to push it through Camtasia and Blackboard Collaborate but, again, to no avail until iMovie came along and saved the day.

Part 1

Part 2

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Educational Technology and Media: Static vs Dynamic

Click here to view my concept map: SpicyNodes: Sample nodemap

Hello everyone,

This is my version of mind mapping designed on a new tool I discovered recently while exploring various web 3.0 tools for my ASSIST program at work.

I wanted to demonstrate how modern day online instructors can teach online by presenting this project on a dynamic or what I call web 3.0 version of online learning tools. I have been an advocate for use of new technologies in all learning environment and am quick to demonstrate to those skeptics and the “ resistance” population the benefits of Universal Design Language (UDL) in online classrooms and hybrid classes. Noted, the demonstration is a comparison between Static (2-D text, documents, and image) and Dynamic (3-D documents, text, and image amplified to a new level of engagement). Enjoy and share your feedback about the concept of teaching dynamic style. Also worth noting, while web 3.0 is just getting starting in today’s educational population, web 4.0 is the latest emergent technology. Web 4.0 focuses on virtual world, augmentation, holographics, and avatar engagement to others in Radio Frequency Identification tag (RFID), semantic, Electronic Learning (E-Learning).

An alternative to presenting my concept mapping #2:
